Cent Cent Sacco is a Credit Union registered in the Republic Of Zimbabwe under The Cooperative Societies Act Chapter 24:05 | Registration Certificate number 6590. Cent Cent Sacco is licensed by the Insurance and Pensions Commission of Zimbabwe as an Insurance Agent: License number: 1152. Cent Cent Sacco is a member of the National Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions of Zimbabwe [NACSCUZ] which is a member of the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations [ACCOSCA] which is a member of the World Council of Credit Unions [WOCCU] and the International Cooperative Alliance [ICA]
About Cent Cent SACCO

To be a world class, technology driven one hundred percent digital and branchless full-service member owned financial cooperative.
To bring about total financial wellbeing for our members through financial literacy, financial discipline and entrepreneurial daring.
Values & Credo
I do not choose to be a common man, It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, I seek opportunity … Continue
Become a member today!
Cent Cent Sacco is a Credit Union registered in the Republic Of Zimbabwe under The Cooperative Societies Act Chapter 24:05 | Registration Certificate number 6590
A financial solution…
- that is wholy owned by its members – “complete with profit sharing!
- that helps you save, invest, and get credit – “even teaches how to grow wealth
- that is on you fingertips, completely digital – “transact anytime, anywhere!
The Logo
Our ancestors were a proud people who managed in their own right to put the word Great forever behind our name – GREAT ZIMBABWE that is. That monumental achievement and unity of purpose will never be taken away from us – All Zimbabweans. From Great Mapungubwe in South Africa to Great Zimbabwe, Khami, Naletale and Dhlo Dhlo, they left an indelible seal of greatness. Who will deny us, [but our own deeds,] that that same greatness is rubbed into our very own DNA and runs in our very own blood? The Cent Cent Savings and Credit Co-operative logo acclaims this heritage. There was once a sustained attempt to obliterate this connection by writing history to dispossess us of this heritage but the collective greatness latent in our collective being rose to the challenge then to claim a permanent place in the community of nations as a people together, and more so now, a greater Zimbabwe still, we may yet bequeath to posterity if we do not drop, the “non but ourselves” ball, and if only we can succeed in putting our sense together, pardon the pun, little by little, for the economy’s sake. The great Zimbabwe itself is many stones standing together, hence we say, “One stone does not make a great Zimbabwe alone!”
“”The ruins of Great Zimbabwe remain a fascinating riddle, but they also serve as a monument to an ancient people, whose skill and ingenuity has served to change the world-view of indigenous peoples.””
Our ancestors could not just be written off in the history of nations. The calling to live up to and sustain this world view for posterity is incumbent upon us. IF NOT US, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
The Foundational V-formation of the Coins at the bottom of the Conical Tower
The V-Formation of the cents below the tower asserts our belief that together each one achieves more and goes further to reach new heights as presupposed by the aerodynamics of the V formation in giving a great boost in the efficiency and range of flying birds over long and enduring migratory routes. It has been scientifically proven that each bird can achieve a reduction of induced drag by up to 65% and as a result increase their range by 71%. If the Cent Cent promise to replicate this in the field of wealth creation is to be realised, critical mass will be of essence. No one should be left behind.
A single cent does not make a million dollars alone, but when we join our sense together, pardon the pun, not only a million more will be made– but the very synergistic doors of infinite possibilities are opened for us – Cent Cent is not just us looking up to, but us going for the infinite possibilities in our financial goals and objectives little by little together.
The Name
“Cent Cent” means “little by little”, in wealth creation circles and streetwise financial lingo at “The Bottom of the Economic Pyramid [BOP]” in Zimbabwe
The legacy and the inspiration
It was made popular by Zimbabwe’s legendary financial literacy and insurance guru, the late Paul T. Mkondo in a jingle that introduced his radio programs called “Money & Life”. His motto was “Your life is the concern of my heart” | Mari neHupenyu Hwevanhu | Hupenyu hwenyu idambudziko remwoyo wangu
Echoes King Solomon’s wisdom
Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little make it grow. Proverbs 13:11
The appropriation
Our smart intention, mental alertness, calculation, sheer energy, enthuasiasm and resourcefulness to not only survive in the harsh economic realities in the cradle of mankind, but to so thrive at “The Bottom Of The Economic Pyramid BOP” and to be a blessing to the world.